Code of Conduct

As a non-profit, non-partisan investigative media network committed to the highest professional and ethical standards of quality journalism in the public interest, CIReN is governed by this Code of Conduct.

  • CIReN researches and reports on topics in the public interest and in so doing thoroughly examines the authenticity of available information.
  • CIReN does not publish unverified information and its journalists, researchers and contributors fully respect and adhere to their agreements with their sources. Its findings are based on primary sources, such as official documents and data, as well as other traceable and credible evidence, identifiable sources and relevant experts. 
  • CIReN respects the right to privacy of every individual, including public figures, unless pertinent information is in the legitimate public interest and the disclosure of such information is necessary to comprehensively inform the public.
  • CIReN respects the right to equal treatment. It does not endorse in any way whatsoever stereotypes, prejudices or insults towards individuals or a group of individuals.
  • CIReN protects the identity of its sources. It uses unnamed sourcing in investigative stories only when these sources have justifiable reasons to remain anonymous. These reasons are explained to readers.
  • CIReN discloses actual and perceived conflicts of interests of its editors, journalists and external contributors. Every member of the editorial staff must inform management of any actual or perceived conflict of interest as soon as such competing interests become apparent. The editorial staff excludes this member from the relevant work process.
  • CIReN’s published investigative content is fact-checked internally before publication.
  • If, after publication, the editor finds that the published information was unreliable, erroneous or inaccurate, it amends the relevant text with an explanation in the shortest possible time.
  • CIReN replies to constructive criticism, comments and suggestions of members, readers and the general public and updates and if and where necessary corrects its work clearly marking this as an “update” or “correction”.
  • CIReN’s work is transparent and open to the public. It is financed from contributions or donations from natural and legal persons and through tenders issued by recognised international institutions, non-governmental organisations and philanthropic foundations. It does not publish advertisements or advertorials.